How Soon Can I Walk My Dog After Neutering? (Vet Explanation)

dog resting

Typically, male dogs can bounce back rather quickly after having a neutering procedure and how soon you can walk your dog after neutering depends on how fast a dog heals. Female dogs require a little extra time for healing because their procedure is far more advanced.  When walking your dog, a leash is better suited for a recently neutered or spayed dog.  It enables you to control the amount of exercise and restricts rough housing or extensive play.

After castration, male dogs should be allowed to rest as much as they’d like.  A week or two is recommended for appropriate healing.  However, limited exercise and walking should be fine for a healthy, normal, dog.

In this article we will discuss the healing process after a dog is neutered, its limitations, and why not to freely allow your dog to romp around after surgery. In addition, we will include information on how long and far you can walk your dog after spaying.

How Long Should a Male Dog Rest After Being Neutered?

After a dog is neutered, the first 24 hours you won’t see much activity from your dog.  Generally, they will appear to be drowsy from the anesthesia, with not much energy for anything else but sleep.  Besides that, your veterinarian might have given him medication to ease the pain, which will also contribute to his lack of energy.  During this time, it’s best to not force any activity and let your dog sleep it off.

Equally important, food given to your dog while he is still under the effects of anesthesia could cause him to vomit.  Give it some time before introducing food to your dog.  Keep a bowl of water next to your dog as they can become dehydrated.

Between the 24 and 48 hour mark, dogs begin to snap out of their ordeal.  They are fully conscious, and the anesthesia has worn off.  Though they may seem anxious to resume their normal behaviour, there is still a risk of infection.  Too much exercise caused from playing or walking your dog could cause the stitches to tear and the wound to reopen.

It’s important to reacquaint your dog with normal walking and playing activities in baby steps.  Also, realizing that a dog with a high drive may resist your attempts to slow them down.  If you do have a high energy dog, avoid walking them in public places where they may get distracted or even have the urge to chase something.  Confinement such as a kennel is the best option for these types of dogs.

Keep walking and playing to a minimum for at least 2 weeks.  After this time, the incision where the sutures were are basically healed.  Some dogs have the tendency to heal faster, so it’s important to schedule a follow up visit with your vet to verify the progress and check for any infections.

Can A Dog Walk Up Stairs After Being Neutered?

A male dog should not walk up stairs after being neutered, especially when you bring him home on the first day.  It’s not that they aren’t capable of walking the stairs, it’s because they are still under the effects of anesthesia or other medications.  At this time, a male dog can tend to be wobbly and unsteady on their feet and this could put your dog at risk of injury.

Climbing stairs involves the stretching of a dog’s body and possible leaps.  It is recommended that you limit your dog’s activity while he is in the healing process. If at all possible, provide a place for rest where stairs are not in the equation.  Smaller dogs can be easily carried up stairs, but avoid carrying larger ones as this can possibly injure your dog.

Another alternative to get a dog upstairs if it’s unavoidable, is to place your dog in a kennel or crate. Having two people carry the kennel or crate up the stairs will allow your dog to remain immobilized while you are doing the work.

How Long After Castration Can a Dog Run?

All dogs heal differently, and how long after castration can a dog run, depends purely on how fast a dog heals.  It’s rather important that the incision is healed fully before allowing your dog to run.  Even after the suture area has healed a dog should not overexert himself.  2 weeks is the suggested time for adequate healing before allowing your dog to run.  However, make sure to schedule a visit with your vet to determine if running is safe for your dog.

How Far Can I Walk My Dog After Spaying?

Female dogs go through a procedure known as spaying.  It is far more intrusive than neutering and requires more stitches and a lot more rest.  As with males, the sutures generally heal within 14 days.  After this time period, you should limit your female’s walks to 10 minutes, twice a day.  Over exercising could cause the sutures to tear and reopen the wound.  For the first three days, avoid leaving your dog alone so you can control your dog’s movement.  Sometimes placing them in a kennel while they are healing can be beneficial and assist with keeping your dog’s movement limited.

When taking your spayed female for a walk, try not to venture further then what the 10-minute allotment will allow.  Furthermore, less strenuous terrain is recommended.  A flat surface is ideal and is less likely to over exert and tire out your dog. 

Pay close attention to your dog when walking him or her.  If you notice signs of exhaustion or fatigue, it’s best to end the walk and allow your dog to rest.

After a month, your spayed female should be fully functional and resort back to their normal walking and playing routine.

Related Question/s

How Long Should a Dog Stay Inactive After Being Neutered?

It is recommended that a dog stay inactive after being neutered for at least 72 hours.  All dogs are different when it comes to healing.  Though you still want to limit their activity, they should be able to walk for short periods.  Dogs will need extra rest after the procedure, so be careful not to push them.  Recognize the signs of fatigue and exhaustion.  Slowly increase the amount of activity after two weeks when their incision has healed.

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