Can Dogs Eat Sushi?

can dogs eat sushi

If you’re eating sushi with your dog watching you, you may be wondering if dogs can eat sushi too. Sushi is made from many ingredients, most of which dogs can eat without any adverse effects, eg. rice and fresh fish. However, other ingredients like Wasabi and garlic should never be given to dogs.

Depending on what is in the sushi that you’re eating or making, you could give your dog a little tasty treat as well.

Can Dogs Have Sushi?

Yes, dogs can have sushi safely, as long as certain ingredients like Wasabi. Garlic, and certain spices like Paprika, Onion Powder, etc. are not in the recipe.

Traditional Japanese Sushi does not have these, but other kinds such as Thai-style Sushi (which is spicier), or Fusion-style Sushi made with non-traditional ingredients, can complicate the decision. The same goes for commercial store-bought Sushi boxes as well, where you aren’t sure of the preservatives and condiments used in the mix.

When unsure, it’s best not to give your dog any sushi.

How Much Sushi Can My Dog Eat?

Just because the Sushi you have is not toxic for your dog to eat, unfortunately doesn’t mean that he can get a big plateful.

Sushi is flavored with soy sauce which has a large quantity of sodium in it. Additionally, there is also a lot of added salt, which increases the sodium content even more.

Such large amounts of salt are bad for dogs. Especially older dogs and dogs with known heart or kidney problems should therefore not be given sushi, unless it’s the doggy-safe kind.

And even otherwise, sushi rice is a rich source of carbohydrates- too rich for dogs who are already overweight or need to lose a few pounds.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Fish?

People often erroneously consider sushi a healthy food for dogs because of the raw fish, rice, and cucumber in it. Dogs can eat raw fish and digest it well. In fact, fish is a great source of protein, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and vitamins for dogs.

However, raw fish can also be a carrier of disease when bacteria like Salmonella or Listeria are present in it. Parasitic worms are also found in raw fish that infect dogs after being eaten.

These cause diseases like tapeworm infestations such as by Diphyllobothrium latum, Anisakiasis, and infections by flukes like Clonorchis sinensis and Metagonimus. These infections can also spread to humans living in close quarters with infected dogs.

So is raw fish good for dogs? Unless it has been washed and cleaned thoroughly, no. But can dogs eat cooked fish? Oh yes.

Is Sushi Good for Dogs?

Sushi per se is not good for dogs. Dogs can safely eat Sushi that doesn’t have Wasabi, Avocado, and Garlic in it, and they can digest it just fine. The smell of the raw fish is also very appealing to dogs.

But the fact remains that sushi is a very nutrient-dense food with very high sodium content. Sushi should be given to dogs only in very small portions and only as an occasional treat.

What Ingredients Can I Use to Make Sushi for Dogs?

If you want to treat your pet, you can make sushi safe for dogs with sticky rice, ground beef, cubed chicken breast, diced boiled fish (salmon, sardines, etc.) and added vegetables like boiled or chopped carrots, peas, cucumbers, beets, turnips, etc.

Instead of sodium-laden soy sauce, use mild spices like turmeric, and mild spices like parsley, rosemary, ginger, etc. You can also safely use Nori sheets to make sushi for dogs.

How Can I Tell If My Dog Is Sick After Eating Sushi?

If your dog has eaten some suspicious-smelling or  leftover sushi that you’d thrown away, or stole some from your plate when you weren’t looking, you are right to worry about food poisoning and/or infections. Take your dog to a vet immediately if he develops these symptoms in the aftermath:

  • Fever
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Retching
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive drooling
  • Blood or visible worms in stools
  • Inexplicable shivering
  • Seizures
  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Excessive drowsiness and unresponsiveness

Can My Dog Eat Salmon?

Yes, dogs can eat salmon, but it’s only recommended when it is cooked. Raw salmon often contains parasites like Neorickettsia helminthoeca, which cause severe and even life-threatening salmon poisoning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What kind of sushi can dogs eat?

Sushi that is homemade is the safest for dogs, because you can control the ingredients. Sushi that does not contain Wasabi sauce, added garlic, avocado, or soy sauce and is made from cleaned and preferably cooked fish, is safest for dogs.

Can my dog eat a California roll?

No. California rolls traditionally contain both Avocado and wasabi sauce, both of which are bad for dogs.

Can dogs eat raw fish?

Yes, dogs can eat raw fish. However, the chances of them getting bacterial infections or parasitic infestations are much higher when they eat raw fish, as cooking destroys bacteria and kills larvae and eggs in the fish.

Can dogs eat sushi ginger?

Yes, dogs can safely eat sushi ginger. Ginger is often used finely chopped in sushi recipes. Not only is it safe for most dogs, but also beneficial for them.

Can dogs eat sushi grade tuna?

Yes, dogs can safely and happily eat sushi grade tuna. Sushi grade tuna is high quality tuna that is usually flash frozen at sea and preserved carefully till consumption. Therefore, it’s safer than regular tuna.

What fish can dogs not eat?

Most fish are safe for dogs to eat cooked. Dogs should generally not be given raw fish, especially raw salmon, and oysters. Fish with tiny bones in them are also best avoided.

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